Princess Kate

Not again.

I know the title says Princess Kate. Bear with me.

I really liked Princess Diana. She was just beautiful. And I don’t mean that in a lascivious Hot Tropic model sort of way. She was the total smoke show in every way.

I was in Spain when she died. Chased by self serving photographers looking to get some sort of compromising pic to make a fortune for themselves. Or a name.

I pretty much lost interest in all things Royal Family.When William married Kate, I kind of took notice. But didn’t really care too much. But slowly, Kate has grown on me. Couldn’t really care less about all of the rest. Quick and Dirty?

I really liked the Queen. She was a truck driver/mechanic in WW2. Just a really nice lady.

Prince Charles? Dissed Diana? And he divorced her for the Doberman? Loser. I have a dim of the current King.

Prince William. Rescue Pilot in the Royal Navy. Good for him. But I have no real opinion. Best thing he ever did was marry Kate.

Harry? He was in Afghanistan the same time I was. I had a huge amount of personal respect for him. What special torment awaited him if the Taliban had managed to capture a member of any Royal Family.? Then there’s Megan. What a train wreck. I have them blocked on all of my social media. I. Just. Don’t. Care.

Andrew. Accused of being a client in the Epstein pedo trafficking ring. Eh. She was 17 in London. I believe 16 is legal. Epstein did the physical moving of Virginia Roberts. I’m not sure Prince Andrew broke a law. If he did, put him on trial. Other than that, Does Prince Andrew matter?

Kate. Really the only member of the Royal Family I care about.

And now people are saying she might be dead? Not like I could, or would actually do anything. This is an English problem. Some people are saying she was sick. Some say that she had a bad surgery. (I’ve actually heard that it was a hysterectomy gone bad). Some say she is dead. Some are saying that Prince William killed her. I’ve actually heard that the “She got Diana’d”.

When I heard that, early on, I thought that William had taken on some floozy like his dad did, and that a divorce was imminent.

But DEAD. Come on now. No.

Taylor Swift

Why does she matter?

She’s dating one of the Kelce’s. Good for them. Hope it works out for them. Who celebrities are dating stopped mattering a long, long time ago for me. I just don’t care.

There’s a lot of people though, actually cheering against the Chiefs just so she won’t get to go to the Superbowl.

Do yourselves a favor and quit worrying about them.

Now about politics. Taylor Swift evidfently has a lot of pull with the younger demographic. I don’t know why. Isn’t she famous for singing about her bad relationships? About her breakups? Why on earth would anybody listen to her? Let her pick any guy for them? 😉

I can’t honestly name one of her songs. I’m sure she is NOT heartbroken about that. But she is selling mad music. So she must be good at it.

Just watch the game and leave her be. If I hit the powerball, I may rent a skybox to watch a few football games too.

Anybody want to come? Reserve your seat now.