Life Status

So I moved around 6 months ago. Left San Antonio after some 19 years. I miss my friends, but am very happy with my new job, and the new salary.

I still have my house down in San Antonio. Hasn’t sold yet. Can’t wait. I’ll be able to start house hunting up here. Get out of this tiny apartment. Property values have dropped, and I haven’t budged.

I still have the same cars. I wear mostly sweatshirts and slacks to work as it is cold in the building. Very cold lately. I wear a coat inside right now.

I’m tired of the election. I’m a conservative, so I’ll vote that way. Pretty much, whomever is the most conservative will get my vote. I’m ready for some changes though. Still a PaulBot

Still smoking cigars, though I have cut way, way back. Ie, I smoke maybe twice a week, instead of 6-7 days a week. For those of you whop know, check our Stolen Thrones – Crook of the Crown. Like the houka up above? I like the basic apple.

Do people still call AF people Zoomies? We used to call USAF people Zoomies in a derogatory way. Kind of the same way people called us “Squids”. We got a new employee today. She’s a Zoomie. People just looked at me like I was speaking Arabic. Zoomie? What’s that?

Had a beer with an old pledge brother last weekend. I’ve seen him 3 times in the last 30+ years. And I’ve seen him more than anybody else in my old fraternity.

So now that my blog is working, I need to start playing with some video, and video editing software. Won’t that be fun?!–kfzzc53QE94-47393q6rRoCE70QAvD_BwE

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