Not again.
I know the title says Princess Kate. Bear with me.
I really liked Princess Diana. She was just beautiful. And I don’t mean that in a lascivious Hot Tropic model sort of way. She was the total smoke show in every way.
I was in Spain when she died. Chased by self serving photographers looking to get some sort of compromising pic to make a fortune for themselves. Or a name.
I pretty much lost interest in all things Royal Family.When William married Kate, I kind of took notice. But didn’t really care too much. But slowly, Kate has grown on me. Couldn’t really care less about all of the rest. Quick and Dirty?
I really liked the Queen. She was a truck driver/mechanic in WW2. Just a really nice lady.
Prince Charles? Dissed Diana? And he divorced her for the Doberman? Loser. I have a dim of the current King.
Prince William. Rescue Pilot in the Royal Navy. Good for him. But I have no real opinion. Best thing he ever did was marry Kate.
Harry? He was in Afghanistan the same time I was. I had a huge amount of personal respect for him. What special torment awaited him if the Taliban had managed to capture a member of any Royal Family.? Then there’s Megan. What a train wreck. I have them blocked on all of my social media. I. Just. Don’t. Care.
Andrew. Accused of being a client in the Epstein pedo trafficking ring. Eh. She was 17 in London. I believe 16 is legal. Epstein did the physical moving of Virginia Roberts. I’m not sure Prince Andrew broke a law. If he did, put him on trial. Other than that, Does Prince Andrew matter?
Kate. Really the only member of the Royal Family I care about.
And now people are saying she might be dead? Not like I could, or would actually do anything. This is an English problem. Some people are saying she was sick. Some say that she had a bad surgery. (I’ve actually heard that it was a hysterectomy gone bad). Some say she is dead. Some are saying that Prince William killed her. I’ve actually heard that the “She got Diana’d”.
When I heard that, early on, I thought that William had taken on some floozy like his dad did, and that a divorce was imminent.
But DEAD. Come on now. No.